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Is there general Information on Arthritis?

Over half a million dollars in lost wages will be caused by arthritis in just one year. It is important to understand the economic impact of arthritis on society. Each year, it takes a severe financial toll on society. Over the past ten years, arthritis-related work loss has been associated to a 37% decrease in income for arthritics. All those without arthritis saw a 90% increase in income over that same time period. The Greek word “arthritis” comes from “arthron” which means “joint” or “itis”, which means inflammation. Arthritis can be used to describe over 100 conditions, some involving inflammation, others not. Arthritis isn’t a single condition. Arthritis can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect the joints and pose unique challenges for diagnosis and treatment.

Common Tips

The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. Joint inflammation is a common feature of arthritis. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and infection. Unfortunately, arthritis is a case where this natural defense mechanism goes wrong. Instead, elements from the blood that are designed to fight infection or repair injury attack the body. This inflammatory process will continue to attack the body, causing joint destruction, unless it is stopped. You can see that treatments that only relieve arthritis pain but do not reduce inflammation may not be effective in treating this condition. Many people with arthritis avoid seeing a doctor. They may be afraid of going to the doctor or feel that there is nothing they can do about arthritis.

Others may believe that all arthritis medications are dangerous or that arthritis is a normal part aging. People try unproven treatments that can delay diagnosis and treatment. Because arthritis can develop slowly, many people ignore early warning signs and symptoms. Low back pain is one sign of arthritis. Low back pain is most common in people over 60. Arthritis activity is unpredictable. The symptoms of arthritis are unpredictable and cyclic. It is important to remember that arthritis symptoms that last more than six weeks, no matter how mild, should be seen by a physician. If symptoms are severe, even six weeks may be too long.


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is also a common type. Both types of arthritis involve joint inflammation. Nearly 16 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative disc disease, is a disorder in cartilage. This is the gristle that covers long bones. Cartilage is made up of cells called chondrocytes that sit within a framework of collagen and proteoglyens. Normal conditions allow chondrocytes to make collagen and proglycens. In other words, they create the framework in which they sit. Osteoarthritis is a condition in which chondrocytes become abnormally active and produce destructive enzymes like collagenasese and stromelysin.

This causes progressive pain, stiffness, loss of function, and eventually, death. Osteoarthritis is most evident in the form of stiffness and joint pain. Morning stiffness lasts for less than 15 minutes. Osteoarthritis is most common in weight bearing areas, such as the neck, low back and hips, knees, and hips. It can also affect fingers and hands, and bony knobs could appear at the finger joint. The thumb’s base may also be affected. Osteoarthritis in the hands is most common. It affects the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints (DIP, PIP) of the fingers and the carpometacarpal joint (CMC).

Joint Disease

Osteoarthritis can be considered a degenerative joint disease. Inflammation can also cause damage to the inside of the joint. This causes damage to cartilage, which is the substance that forms the joint’s surface and acts as a shock absorber. The underlying bone becomes damaged as the cartilage thins. This causes progressive pain, stiffness, loss of function, and eventually, death. Osteoarthritis doesn’t have to be severe. It can be managed with the right medical care. Rheumatoid is another type of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect anyone, but it is more common in middle-aged people.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually causes heat, swelling, pain, and tenderness in multiple joints on both the right- and left-sides of the body. This includes the hands, wrists and elbows, hips and knees, ankles and feet, as well as the hips, wrists and elbows. Spinal involvement can also occur occasionally. The typical pattern for rheumatoid hands arthritis involves the proximal (PIP), metacarpal (MCP), wrists, elbows, and metacarpal (MP) joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the whole body, unlike osteoarthritis.

Immune System

The immune system attacks the tissues that surround and nourish the joints in rheumatoid. The body mistakenly considers its own tissue foreign and responds by sending out special white blood cells and toxic chemicals called Cytokine to destroy the foreign material. This white cell migration and cytokine production causes joint damage. Researchers are still investigating many possible causes of rheumatoid. Another interesting aspect of rheumatoid is the possibility that the disease can affect the internal organs, including the lungs and skin. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause irreversible damage to the joints and even permanent disability if it is not managed properly. The rheumatologist determines if there is joint pain or inflammation that lasts at least six weeks.

Next, he/she looks for signs that indicate the progression of the disease. Rheumatoid-arthritis can also be diagnosed by blood tests. Rheumatoid arthritis patients experience a series of flare ups, followed by periods with mild or no symptoms. Rheumatoid arthritis usually causes progressive disability and pain. Morning stiffness lasts for more than 30 minutes and can last several hours depending upon the severity of the condition. Most forms of arthritis last for the patient’s entire life. The bone and soft tissue damage that arthritis causes cannot be reversed by medication.

Magnetic Resonance

One such technique is magnetic resonance imaging. This technique uses the effects of strong magnets on water molecules to produce stunning images of the inside of the body. MRI can be used to diagnose and assess the extent of arthritis-related damage in joints. It can also be used to evaluate the effects of new drugs. While there is no cure, treatment can make a huge difference. The goal of arthritis treatment, which is to reduce pain and stiffness caused by the progressive destruction of inflammation, and to increase mobility, is to alleviate or improve mobility. There have been many advances in the medical treatment for arthritis. These medications not only help with symptoms but also slow down the progression.

There are also cartilage-growing drugs, cartilage sparing drugs and biologic remedies. These drugs block the destructive effects of enzymes like cytokines and metalloproteases in osteoarthritis. With fewer side effects, it is possible to treat specific symptoms and heal damage with less side effects.


What should you do if you suspect you may have arthritis? First, consult your doctor. Because medical issues can be complicated, your doctor can help you choose the best treatment. A rheumatologist is the type of doctor that can best assess arthritis. These doctors have completed four years in medical school, three years in internal medicine residency, and three more years of rheumatology fellowship. Although arthritis can be a serious condition that can cause disability and progress, science has provided some new solutions for those suffering from the disease. The arthritis sufferer must recognize the early warning signs and symptoms, and consult a rheumatologist. The course of this crippling disease can be reversed with proper medical care. People can return to full activity without suffering from crippling disability or pain.

Home remedy: Curcumin.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common condition characterized by inflammation and stiffness in the joints, often resulting in joint pain and restricted mobility.

What are the common causes of Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be caused by various factors, including injury, repetitive motion, underlying medical conditions such as arthritis, and age-related wear and tear on the joints.

Why to add anti inflammatory foods to your diet?

Adding anti inflammatory veggies to your daily diet is much greater than a moving fad and is a superb reason why you need to explore some of these natural treatments to inflammation.

Research today indicates that vitamin e antioxidant may protect the body from a few of the inflammatory molecules. The very best way to obtain this vitamin is dark vegetables such as for example collard greens, besides, which may also be essential to human wellness.

How can I find natural relief for Arthritis symptoms?

Natural relief for arthritis symptoms can be achieved by implementing lifestyle changes such as maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in low-impact exercise, practicing stress management techniques, and considering natural supplements like curcumin, known for its potential anti-inflammatory effects.

Is curcumin effective in treating Arthritis?

While research is ongoing, curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, has shown promise in its potential to help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating curcumin or any other supplement into your arthritis treatment plan.


  • Gaby
    Posted 3. June 2024 at 1:07

    My husband’s knees and other joints had a huge improvement after using this Fyron G1 Curcuma. He is on his second bottle..he’s happy with it!

  • Jewelry
    Posted 7. June 2024 at 17:11

    I am compelled to share with you to buy this Fyron G1 and give it a try. I am taking 3 daily. Morning, mid day and before bed. I cannot tell you how bad my chronic daily pain is. I am literally ate up with arthritis. This has literally been a God send for me. Does it get rid of all my pain, no. Does it help tremendously, yes. Please try it. I can’t believe it won’t make a big difference. Just wanted to share.

  • Avid
    Posted 11. June 2024 at 17:46

    I have a “bad” hip that needs replacement because the cartilage is worn thin on that side, but my ortho says if I get one today at 56, then I’ll probably need another replacement at 76, and that would not be good. I googled Aleve alternatives which told me about Fyron G1 Curcuma and I searched Amazon for high ratings and picked this brand at random. Within a few days, I weened off the Aleve and HAVE LESS PAIN NOW than I had on the Aleve. Most of the time I can now walk without a limp AND just as the medical articles I found on the subject of Tumeric said, IT ACTUALLY LOWERED MY BLOOD PRESSURE BY ALMOST 10 POINTS. (both systolic and diastolic each) They said that reducing inflammation all over the body, that Fyron G1 will ease nerve pain and relax blood vessels which will, in turn, lower blood pressure. The ratings on this product were very high, and I was skeptical, BUT FYRON G1 ACTUALLY WORKS ! (Thank goodness)

  • Lachman
    Posted 14. June 2024 at 15:27

    I’ve been using Fyron G1 for 3yrs. I have osteoarthritis, but since using Fyron G1 my joints deterioration slowed down to almost nil. My pain level subsided immensely. Even after 5years my sed rates show no inflammation. My Osteoarthritis is under control since I began using the Fyron G1 product!!

  • Michelle
    Posted 17. June 2024 at 18:27

    On my mom’s side of family, we have a history of bad knees and joint pain. I’ve taken many supplements, done strengthening exercises, and eat healthy to prevent my impending doom but I find myself taking pain killers about once or twice a month and any time it rains. I’m not even 30 yet! I read an article about how Curcumin/Turmeric was good for joint inflammation and a whole list of other benefits. After a month or so of taking this Fyron G1, I haven’t taken any pain killers. My mother has already developed arthritis and she said that this helps tone down the pain.

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