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What is Noni Fruit good for?

Noni is a fruit that has extraordinary healing properties. People around the world are becoming more aware of its benefits. It has been used in traditional cultures for more than 3,000 years, from Asia to Polynesia to the countries in the northern hemisphere. Noni’s health benefits are numerous and truly amazing. But where did this exotic, miraculous health tonic come? Noni can be found in many parts of the greater pan-Asian region. The original source of Noni was from South Asia.

Morinda Citrifolia

It is also known as Indian Mulberry. Morinda citrifolia is an evergreen shrub that can grow from a small bush up to a tree of 20-30 feet in height. It is characterized by its stiff, coarse branches that bear dark, oval and glossy leaves. Morinda citrifolia can be found in India, Malaysia, and Southeast Asia. This hardy plant, which originated on the Indian subcontinent in India, has since traveled the world. Noni is well-known for its extreme tolerance to environmental changes.

It can thrive in extremely dry and very wet environments, as well as in fertile, acidic, and alkaline soils. Because of its pungent scent, Noni plants are easily recognized by people who live in the area. The Noni fruit is about the same size as a small potato once fully matured. It has a lumpy appearance with semi-translucent waxy skin that varies in color from green to yellow and white.

Good To Know

When ripe, the fruit is gel-like and its flesh is bitter. The fruit has a knobby texture and many black seeds that have air sacs to give the seeds buoyancy in water. Because of their buoyancy, the Noni fruit may have traveled by sea to other parts. The seeds are protected from harsh conditions like salt, sand, and gravel by the tough sacs. Cluster-shaped pods that bear creamy white fruit are made from small white fragrant flowers. Morinda citrifolia has been used for therapeutic purposes in India and South East Asia since ancient times.

The majority of the plant is known to have medicinal properties. The root is used externally to treat pain and gout. The leaves can be used as a tonic or fever-reducer. They can be used to treat wounds and ulcerations of the skin by being applied as a poultice or healing compress. Gout can be treated externally with an extract from the leaves. The fruit is used to treat gum and throat problems, dysentery and leucorrhea (abnormal periods), sapraemia (blood poisoning by bacterial putrefaction), and dysentery.

Noni Fruit

Similar uses have been made in Thailand of the Noni fruit, and other plant parts, as part of traditional medicine. It is used in spicy salads. The juice has been used as a general tonic for digestive health. Local Thais have made juice from the fruit. Many parts of the plant can be used to make poultices and compresses to reduce inflammation and pain and speed wound healing. Noni Juice can be used in a very simple way. It is recommended to consume 2-4 ounces of Noni juice each morning and evening with an empty stomach.


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