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Are Natural Remedies for Joint Pain effective?

The Chinese system of medicine recommends the use ginger to relieve joint pain. A great pain reliever is ginger oil mixed with almond oil. Ginger tea can be enjoyed daily, and 500 mg ginger supplement capsules can be taken three times per day. The body’s prostaglandin production is reduced by ginger, which causes pain sensations. Another remedy is to drink Papaya seed tea 6-7 times per day for several weeks. Drinking bananas, carrot juice, apple cider vinegar, or plain water is another way to get relief.


Remember that liquids and juices such as pineapple juice help keep your joints moving freely. A combination of honey and lemon juice can be taken in the morning. Equal amounts of lemon and carrot juice can also be used as a remedy. Fresh potato juice in the morning is another option. You can strengthen the muscles around your joint by either exercising in a normal manner or swimming around the pool. Deep breathing, meditation, and Tai Chi are all effective in relieving the pain of rheumatoidarthritis.

Regular exercise helps to keep the joints lubricated, prevents gout, and improves blood circulation. A balanced, low-carbohydrate diet that includes more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and carbonated liquors is recommended. Reduce fat in your diet. You can spice up your diet with herbs such as white willow, devil’s claw, and turmeric, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Avoid pepper, eggplants, and potatoes as they can increase inflammation. As seasonings, you can add lots of garlic and turmeric.

Good To Know

Our bodies don’t make omega-3 fatty acid, so eat fish or fish oil capsules. These micronutrients have natural anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for your heart health and joint stiffness. Today’s animals are no longer fed on grass, but on grains, which means that the meat and chicken we eat don’t contain as many omega-3 fatty acid as they used to. These anti-inflammatory nutrients can do a lot of good for your joint pain. Fish is the only way to get them.


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