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Acupuncture model

How to relieve Arthritis Pain?

Meridian is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy (TCM). It depicts how the life energy, or qi, flows through the body's meridians. Meridian therapy is a non-invasive treatment that treats these points to allow the life energy to flow more efficiently. According to TCM, the body has a virtual circulation system that is similar to the blood circulation system. It is called a bio-energy circulatory…
containing vitamin E

Do Antioxidants combat Arthritis?

There are more than 100 types of arthritis. Arthritis can be described as a condition that causes redness, swelling, and pain. It can also cause damage to the joint or inflammation around the joints. Acute inflammation is a temporary condition that occurs in a short time. The symptoms may last only a few seconds, but they disappear within a few days. This is due to…
Bottle of homeopathic

What is a healthy Osteoarthritis Diet?

Osteoarthritis can be a painful condition that affects weight bearing joints. It is caused by injury. Osteoarthritis occurs when the joint lining starts to degenerate, causing pain and decreased mobility. Certain lifestyle changes can help reduce the severity of the symptoms. An osteoarthritis diet is the best. An osteoarthritis diet aims to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms, including pain and mobility problems. These suggestions are based upon…