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我震惊地发现,有超过100种形式的关节炎和其他风湿性疾病。让我们首先了解什么是关节炎,以及四种最常见的类型:骨关节炎(类风湿)、痛风(痛风)和纤维肌痛。关节炎,也被称为 "关节炎",是一种可能导致严重疼痛的常见疾病。它影响到肌肉,更具体地说,是两个或多个骨头相接的地方,即关节。关节炎的症状包括关节疼痛、僵硬、肿胀、虚弱、发炎和活动受限。这可能使你难以完成基本的日常工作,如走路、爬楼梯、开瓶和刷牙。


纤维肌痛或 "软组织关节炎 "是指身体的软纤维组织的疼痛,包括肌肉、韧带、肌腱和韧带。纤维肌痛还可能导致睡眠问题、晨僵、头痛、记忆力差和注意力不集中。纤维肌痛在女性中比在男性中更常见。骨关节炎是最常见的关节炎类型。它发生在软骨开始磨损的时候,导致骨头相互摩擦,使运动变得痛苦。软骨是一种滑溜溜的海绵状物质,覆盖在骨头上并允许顺利运动。骨关节炎是一种影响手部、承重关节如膝关节、髋关节和面关节(脊柱)的疾病。它发生在软骨随着年龄增长而变得缺乏弹性的时候。它是老年人中最常见的关节炎疼痛形式。类风湿是一种使人衰弱的疾病,影响到手、手腕、膝盖和肘部。










这些酸被认为能有效对抗毒素,抑制细菌,并维持身体重要的酸碱平衡。将两茶匙醋与两茶匙生蜂蜜混合在一杯温热的过滤水中。每天喝三次。可能需要几周时间才能注意到效果。在《关节炎与民间医学》(Galahad Books 1997)中,同样的民间医学处方也可用于治疗关节炎疼痛。他认为,胃部是治疗关节炎和其他健康问题的最佳场所。贾维斯发现,通过每天服用苹果醋鸡尾酒,可以将沉积的钙质释放到血液中。这导致关节炎疼痛缓解,并防止骨质疏松症。有些人建议将关节炎患者的关节浸泡在热苹果醋中。用四分之一杯醋和一杯半的水来进行治疗。为了保持热量,你可以将布浸泡在混合物中,然后放在受影响的部位。热的混合物应放置10分钟,然后关上火,让关节再冷却10分钟。



  • 认识到你处于痛风的哪个阶段。每个阶段都是不同的。尽管大多数医生不知道这些阶段,但如果你有这种情况,你应该知道。
  • 痛风的治疗应分两步进行:首先治疗急性发作,然后治疗潜在的问题,即UA的过度积累。不可能同时治疗痛风的急性和潜在问题。
  • 痛风药物可能出现副作用。这些副作用可能是危险的,特别是如果你正在服用治疗其他疾病的药物。有些可能会威胁到生命。
  • 无论你听到什么,饮食是重要的。锻炼也很重要。病人应该从 "推开 "运动开始。
  • 这种疾病可能与其他医疗条件有关,对痛风和治疗都有不利影响。你可以想到糖尿病、高血脂和心脏疾病等一些例子。
  • 痛风的发作可以通过早期开始治疗来预防或减少。这将有助于减少残疾、疼痛,并防止进一步发作。如果不遵循这个简单的指令,痛风发作会使人长期丧失能力。
  • Take a drop treatment such as Curcumin (Fyron G1) or Boswellia (Fyron G2):


Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, resulting in severe pain, swelling, and inflammation.

How can I manage gout symptoms?

To manage gout symptoms, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding triggers such as alcohol and certain foods high in purines.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can help prevent gout attacks?

Making certain lifestyle changes can help prevent gout attacks. These include maintaining a healthy weight, staying hydrated, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding high-purine foods such as organ meats and seafood, and managing underlying health conditions like hypertension and diabetes.

Is turmeric effective in treating gout?

Turmeric, a spice with anti-inflammatory properties, has been studied for its potential benefits in managing gout symptoms. However, further research is needed to determine its effectiveness as a treatment.

What is boswellia and can it help with gout?

Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, is an herbal extract that has been traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties. While it may offer some relief for gout symptoms, scientific evidence is limited, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advised.

6 评论

  • Osvaldo
    发布 27. 5 月 2024 20:51

    Fyron G1 Curcuma works for me, I was a little skeptical that it would work, but in about two days I was doing better. I take it right after breakfast and in about 45 minutes my back pain started to ease and within a week my pain dropped to about a 2 pain level from a 6 pain level. The best natural anti-inflammatory!

  • Ilsa
    发布 31. 5 月 2024 14:27

    I have been using Fyron G2 for at least 1 year. I had severe back pain due to arthritis and bulging discs. Other than going to doctors who only prescribed opiates, sent me to physical therapy which increased the pain, I researched on the internet what to do for severe pain. Boswellia came up and I started taking it along with another herb. It really helps to relieve the pain. I remember that it takes about two weeks for the relief to kick in. I will not stop taking Boswellia. I don’t take any over-the-counter pain relievers other than Boswellia and another herb.

  • Laura K.
    发布 3. 6 月 2024 18:19

    I was very grateful to find an organic source of drops which is vegan and gluten-free. I searched for the boswellia and curcuma extract ratio recommended by research to reduce inflammation. This product Fyron G1+G2 is the best natural drops I have found.

  • Amy
    发布 10. 6 月 2024 17:20

    This Fyron G1+G2 works well I have some joint pain in my fingers. I like to take it at night Because I feel it also helps me rest and relax more along with relieving the inflammation in my fingers and joints.

  • Moose
    发布 12. 6 月 2024 16:38

    I’m happy with the results from Fyron G1+G2. I wanted to try in place of a more expensive turmeric or boswellia and I’m not disappointed. Took as directed and noticed results similar to the other product. Might stick with this from now on.

  • Hopkins
    发布 14. 6 月 2024 18:08

    I can do so many more things than I could a few months ago. My knee doesn’t keep me awake all night anymore….I work at a computer all day……..my neck no longer aches so bad at the end of the day that I have to sit with a heating pad on it. I don’t have to run my hands under hot water in the AM, to get them to “work”… Everything thanks these Fyron G1+G2!! I don’t write reviews very often..bottom line, if you’re like me and want your life back, give this a try. Be patient, and don’t expect overnight results – it doesn’t work that way. Commit to a few months….you will be pleasantly surprised. God Bless and good luck!
