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大约 5%至 10%的银屑病患者会发展成银屑病关节炎。大约有 151TP7% 的银屑病关节炎患者在出现银屑病症状之前就会发病。银屑病关节炎有五种类型,每种类型都有自己的症状和治疗方法。对称性关节炎是一种影响身体两侧成对的同一关节的疾病。例如,两个膝关节都可能受到这种类型的影响。虽然这种类型的关节炎比类风湿性关节炎轻微,但也会导致关节变形和更严重的关节炎。对称性关节炎是银屑病关节炎的第二大常见类型,往往会导致更严重的症状。

非对称性关节炎是一种罕见的银屑病关节炎,受影响的关节少于五个。受影响的关节是单个的,而不是成对的。任何关节都可能受到影响,但手指和脚趾更为常见。这会导致肿胀,被称为 "香肠数字"。不对称关节炎是银屑病中最常见的一种,与其他形式的银屑病相比,不对称关节炎的病情较轻,进展较快。数字指间关节炎(DIP)是银屑病关节炎的一种形式,主要影响手指和脚趾之间的最后一个关节。它也可能被误认为是骨关节炎。缪蒂兰斯关节炎(Arthritis muutilans);这种罕见的银屑病类型比 5% 少,但可能非常严重。它会导致脊柱、手、脚和软骨严重变形。它通常伴随着复发和随后的缓解。



5 评论

  • Steve
    发布 10. 6 月 2024 14:21

    I injured my knee this summer, and I was still limping pretty bad after a couple of months. I stasrted taking Fyron G1+G2 twice daily, and after three days, the inflammation had gone down. I now am taking daily as a prophylactic dose, and it seems to help me deal better with the slings and arrows of fumblings, bumpings, and other misfortunes of life..

  • Fabby
    发布 11. 6 月 2024 18:27

    I was skeptical, but purchased this Fyron G1+G2 anyway, hoping it would reduce the unbearable pain in both my knees, caused by Arthritis. 3 Days of taking this, and the pain is gone! It truly is a miracle. Opioids, taken for severe back and neck pain, did not reduce the pain in my knees, but this Fyron G1+G2 did. I highly recommend this product.

  • Dawn
    发布 14. 6 月 2024 16:27

    Good product. I am a massage therapist with one painful thumb joint. When I take Fyron G1+G2, it barely hurts at all, so I know it works. I don’t take it consistently to know if it has actual healing capabilities, but it does definitely work as temporary pain relief.

  • Ralph K.
    发布 17. 6 月 2024 19:13

    I have been taking Fyron G1+G2 for about three weeks now for inflammation . Mostly back related problems. I have also lost weight . I am feeling better but don’t know what I should attribute the improvement to yet. I will continue trusting that it helps.

  • 水晶
    发布 18. 6 月 2024 15:08

    I was skeptical about these Fyron G1+G2, but after reading a considerable amount of positive reviews decided to give it a try. I was using prescribed pain killers and had a couple of steroid shots to manage my pain. After three weeks into this drops, my pain is under control and I haven’t used the prescribed medications since then.
