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  • 使用符合人体工程学的鼠标、键盘和鼠标垫,以防止骨关节炎和腕隧道。避免使用需要将手放在硬表面上或平躺在坏处的键盘或鼠标垫。考虑腕部支撑:与你的医生讨论手腕支撑物的问题。这将确保你的手腕得到适当的支持,而不是以不自然的方式锁定。在你找到适合你办公室的支持之前,可能需要一些试验和错误。但这是值得的。
  • 关节炎是无法治愈的。然而,你可以在家里做一些事情,这将使它不那么痛苦,并允许你进行更多的活动。



  • 冰/热 两者在不同时期都有帮助。热能可以放松肌肉和关节,使你更容易移动和打字/发短信。冰敷可以用来减轻白天可能出现的炎症。
  • 抗炎药物。有许多药物可以服用,包括非处方药和处方药。你的医生可能推荐泰诺、萘普生和布洛芬。虽然阿司匹林可能不会引起任何问题,但它也是一种选择。
  • Herbal remedies: Comfrey, gotu Kola, curcuma, boswellia and Willow bark can all be beneficial. Comfrey should not be eaten and can cause liver and kidney damage, even if applied topically. Willow should not be used by people who are allergic to aspirin, on aspirin-related medications, or who have gout. Find Boswellia and Curcuma here: 飞龙G1+G2.
  • 外用止痛剂 - 辣椒素可用于阻断来自大脑的疼痛信号。它具有很强的反刺激性,所以在你到处涂抹之前一定要先进行测试。樟脑也可能有帮助。如果你采取正确的护理措施,关节炎引起的手部疼痛不会影响你的事业或干扰你的交流。为了确定对你的手和手腕的最佳治疗方法,如果你对关节炎或腕管有顾虑,请咨询你的医生。

What causes hand pain in arthritis?

Hand pain in arthritis is primarily caused by inflammation in the joints of the hands. This inflammation can result from the wearing down of cartilage, the protective tissue between the joints, leading to bones rubbing against each other. Additionally, the immune system may mistakenly attack the joints, further contributing to pain and discomfort.

Are anti-inflammatory medications effective in managing arthritis pain?

Yes, anti-inflammatory medications can be effective in managing arthritis pain. These medications work by reducing inflammation in the joints, thereby alleviating pain and improving joint function. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication to ensure its suitability and potential side effects.

Are there any herbal remedies that can help with arthritis pain relief?

While some herbal remedies have been traditionally used to alleviate arthritis symptoms, their effectiveness is not supported by strong scientific evidence. It is advisable to speak with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies, as they may interact with other medications or have adverse effects on certain individuals.

What are topical pain relievers, and can they provide relief for arthritis pain?

Topical pain relievers are creams, gels, or ointments that can be applied directly to the skin over the painful joint. They may contain ingredients such as capsaicin or menthol, which can provide temporary pain relief by numbing the area or decreasing pain signals. It is important to follow the instructions and consult a healthcare professional before using any topical pain relievers.

Is using ice or heat an effective method for managing arthritis pain?

Both ice and heat can be useful in managing arthritis pain. Applying ice packs to the affected joint can help reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing temporary pain relief. On the other hand, heat therapy, such as warm compresses or baths, can help relax muscles, increase blood flow, and ease stiffness. It is recommended to experiment with both methods to see which works best for individual pain relief.
