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How to combat Gout Pain?

Gout is a very common condition. However, it is important to recognize that gout is also a form arthritis. Gout arthritis can also occur in other joints than the big toe. This includes the elbows, wrists and fingers, knees and ankles, heels, knees and instep. Gout is one of the most severe rheumatic conditions. Inflammatory arthritis can develop when uric acid crystals become lodged between the bones of a joint space, connective tissue, or both. Arthritis is characterized as inflammation (heat redness, swelling, pain, stiffness and joint stiffness). Arthritis can refer to more than 100 rheumatic diseases that affect tissues, structures, joints and muscles within the body. Gout is responsible for 5% of all cases.

Gout Treatment

Gout can be treated in a variety of ways.

  • Apply a cold compression – A cold compress can be helpful for treating inflammation and swelling, especially during the initial attack. Use a cold compress (I.E. Apply a cold compress (I.E. The compress should be left on the affected area for no less than 20 minutes and then removed for 20 minutes.
  • Warm the affected area with a warm water bottle. This will help to reduce stiffness and pain when the attack starts to ease. Warmth is not recommended for inflamed joints as it can only worsen inflammation. The warm item should be used for 30 minutes each 2 – 3 hours. You can also apply short-term relief by soaking the affected area in warm water or using a warm moist towel to the area.
  • Stretch – To reduce stiffness and inflammation, stretch the joints and muscles affected by gout arthritis. Do this by slowly rotating and flexing them two to three times daily. You should not flex or rotate the joint beyond a certain limit. This means that you should only flex and rotate the joint within limits. Yoga and Pilates have been proven to be beneficial for arthritis sufferers. To learn safe and recommended stretches that will benefit your condition, consult a professional Pilate’s or yoga instructor.
  • Exercise – Even when you are in pain, you should still exercise. You should not use the affected muscles, joints, or other body parts. stiffness and make it worse. Warm water exercise is beneficial for arthritis and gout. Your joints will feel less stressed when you are in water. This can help to reduce some of the pain that you may feel. Water allows for greater mobility and flexibility. Talking to your doctor is a good idea. He/she may be able to recommend exercises for you. Exercise will help you manage your weight. Being overweight can also cause additional stress to your joints.
  • Change your diet – Eliminate all foods and drinks that are high purines (I.E. To reduce your blood uric acid levels, you should eliminate organ meats, yeast, and alcohol from your diet.
  • Relax – Get a good night’s sleep and rest the affected joints by elevating them above your heart. Elevation can improve blood flow, which can help to reduce pain and discomfort.


Gout arthritis and other forms may look similar, but they are very different due to the way arthritis inflammation occurs. Gout sufferers may not find all forms of arthritis treatment useful. It is important to talk to your doctor about your treatment options to ensure you get the best possible treatment.


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