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How to flush the Gout Pain down?

Anyone with an internet connection can find natural remedies for gout. It is difficult to know which are being researched and which ones have been passed down through the centuries. Natural health research is on the rise! Natural gout remedies are becoming more popular as more people accept holistic and alternative treatments. Why is gout so popular, you ask? Gout statistics are astronomical! Gout is becoming more popular as people live a less active and healthy lifestyle.

What is Gout?

Gout is not a medical condition. You will most likely be prescribed painkillers and a boot by your doctor if you have gout. Gout can be treated naturally with simple remedies. These are some tips to flush gout down your toilet. Gout is caused when your body produces too much uric acids. Uric acid is a side effect of the purines that you eat. Your body can eliminate uric acid naturally through your urine.

However, uric acid can build up in the body due to poor diet and inactivity. You can treat gout symptoms by learning how to flush out uric acid crystals from the affected joints. Gout can be treated naturally by changing your lifestyle and eating habits. Here are some ways you can get started today.


  • Get plenty of water. Drink 2 cups of water each hour you are awake. Water will naturally flush out uric acid and dilute it.
  • Garlic is a popular remedy. Garlic has been shown naturally to flush out uric acid. Take a daily dose of garlic cloves.
  • At least 5-7 servings should be consumed of fruits and vegetables, with more vegetables than fruits. Uric acid can also be flushed naturally by fiber.
  • Every day, eat a lemon or lime. The natural solvent for uric acid is citric acid, which can be found in lemons or limes.
  • Consume potassium-rich foods immediately, such as bananas, whole grains, and seeds.
  • You can break down uric acid crystals by exercising.
  • Baking soda has been shown to neutralize the effects of uric acid. Gout relief can be as simple as consuming half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup water.


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