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How to flush Uric Acid and cure Gout?

Why is it that thousands of people search the Internet daily for a cure to uric acid? Because they know that if they flush the acid, they can also cure gout and prevent the pain associated. Do your toes hurt? Does your toe feel like it has been smashed by concrete bricks? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you are a good candidate for a home remedy for gout. Natural remedies and this type of arthritis are very popular because there is no official treatment for gout. This article will explain how to flush the acid and cure gout.

Uric Acid Removal

There are over 40 ways to flush uric acids. There are many ways to flush uric acid. These include changing your diet, drinking more water and avoiding certain beverages. No matter where you are in your health journey, it is possible to cure this disease by following a simple step-by-step process. Here are some tips on how to reduce uric acid levels.

  • It is important to understand the causes of this disease in order to find a cure. Did you know that uric acid buildup in the body can cause this disease? The acid is usually flushed through your urine. One way to flush the acid is to drink 120 ounces of water per day. Drink one glass of water every hour that you are awake. Avoid alcohol and soft drinks. Gout attacks are specifically linked to alcohol.
  • It is also important to neutralize the uric acids. There are many ways to do this, but many customers prefer the convenience of eating everyday fruits such as grapes, blueberries, and cherries. All of these fruits have been shown in studies to reduce the acidity that causes this type of arthritis.
  • A half teaspoon of baking soda can be added to your glass of water. This is another popular remedy. Mix it up and enjoy. Baking soda is an alkaline which can neutralize acidity and reduce pain. Recent research also suggests that baking soda may be able to dissolve uric stones.
  • Supplementing with 10-75 mg of Folic Acid daily can dramatically reduce the production of Uric acid, thereby lowering the risk for crystal formation.
  • The cure is also possible with the right remedies! The common remedy of Juniper has been shown to neutralize the acid that is associated with this condition.


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