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How to get Rid of Gout Pain?

Gout is a painful condition that can affect many older people. The condition can also affect younger people. What is it? It is a type of arthritis that causes swelling, inflammation, and excruciating pain in the joint. High levels of uric acid in bloodstream are responsible for the condition. Gout-related pain can be painful, but there are ways to alleviate it. You have the option to visit a doctor and receive medication.

Try This

You will need activated powdered coal and ground flaxseeds to make the paste. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 2 parts charcoal to 1 part ground flaxseeds. To make a paste, add warm water. Spread the paste generously on the affected area. Wrap the paste with a bandage or cloth to secure it. This will prevent the paste staining your clothing and bed sheets. The paste should be reapplied at least once every four hours.

A clean piece of cloth, regular castor oil, plastic wrap, and a hot compress are all you will need. Put the cloth in castor oil until it is completely soaked. Make sure the cloth is not wet. Place the cloth on the affected area. Wrap the affected area in food plastic wrap to secure the cloth.


Apply a hot compress to the affected area. Apply hot compress to the area. Two basins are required. You will need two basins. Fill the other basin with hot water that you can tolerate. Now, alternately soak the affected joint in hot and cold water. For three minutes, soak in hot water. Next, soak for 30 seconds in hot water. At least three rounds of alternating are required.

A basin large enough to fully submerge both feet is necessary. Add about a cup Epsom salt to the basin. Make sure to melt all of the Epsom salt. Allow the solution to sit on your feet for at least half an hours. To maintain the temperature for the entire time, add more hot water every once in a while. To ensure that the solution doesn’t become too diluted, you can add more Epsom salt to hot water.

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