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How to stop my Gout Attacks?

Gout attacks can be excruciatingly painful. Most sufferers will do anything to alleviate the pain. An attack can happen even if they eat the right food and follow all the precautions recommended by doctors. You can take steps to prevent your gout attack becoming worse. You may also be able reduce the severity and length of the attack. It all depends on how you respond to it. Gout attacks can be treated as soon as you notice them. Although you may not be able stop the gout attack completely, there are steps you can take that will help ease the pain and reduce its duration.

Natural Treatment

Celery seed is a natural remedy many sufferers turn to when they feel the onset of gout attacks. Talk to your doctor about this option. However, taking the recommended amount can reduce the severity of your attack. It can help reduce inflammation in the joints, as well as calm and soothe cramped muscles. A lot of cherries is another natural remedy that can reduce gout attacks. There are many ways to reduce the severity of your gout attack. However, consuming a lot of cherries or drinking cherry juice whenever you feel like you might be experiencing a gout attack can help to lessen the pain and minimize the severity.

Some recommend eating half a pound per day, while others recommend eating more. This is a lot of cherries to consume. It can be difficult to eat if you don’t like them. However, you can view them as a natural way of fighting your attack.

Cherry Juice

Cherry juice can be substituted, but ensure it is 100% genuine cherry juice. When they fear an attack, some people who have bad attacks have consumed or drunk two pounds of fruit. You should be aware that eating too many fruits can cause digestive problems, especially if it’s not something you are used to. You can also take a high dose anti-inflammatory medication (also known as NSAID) to combat the pain and inflammation caused by a gout attack. These medications can be taken upto four times per day. However, this may not work for everyone.

Talk to your doctor about how much, when and how often you should be taking this approach. Although NSAIDs can be helpful in relieving inflammation and pain, it is important to make sure that you aren’t taking too many or not enough. These three things can help stop a gout attack or reduce the duration of an attack.

However, it is important to rest the joint and not take too much NSAID’s if you feel an attack coming on. Keep the affected area elevated if possible and apply heat and ice to reduce inflammation. Keep your feet off the ground if possible and eat low-purine foods to reduce your uric acid levels. If you are experiencing severe pain and no relief, consult your doctor immediately.


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