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彼らの "専門的な "理解では、身体には毒性化合物を調整したり、取り除いたりする自然な能力が備わっている。pHを調節するこの先天的な能力はホメオスタシスと呼ばれる。体温を調節する熱の恒常性と似ている。もし誰かがサウナ室に何時間も閉じ込められたらどうなるか想像してみてほしい。彼の体がこれに対処することは可能だろうか?不可能だ!体が自然に対処できる範囲をはるかに超えている!サウナ室は極限環境と考えられている。






Only you can decide if you want to catch the monster fishes (symptoms), or keep the water clean and clear (root). Gout symptoms can be treated quickly with medications such as colchicine or allopurinol. However, the effects of these drugs are temporary and you may become dependent or addicted. You can restore your internal health by gradually changing your lifestyle to be more alkaline. Gout can be treated, believe it or not. Taking Curcumin and Boswellia is also a good solution: ファイロンG1+G2.


Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by severe pain, swelling, and tenderness in the joints. It occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, primarily affecting gout patients.


Gout is primarily caused by hyperuricemia, a condition where there is an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood. This can occur due to the body's inability to properly metabolize or eliminate uric acid, disrupting homeostasis and leading to the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints.

How can gout be managed?

Gout can be effectively managed through a combination of lifestyle modifications and medications. This includes adopting a healthy diet low in purines, maintaining a healthy weight, staying hydrated, and avoiding alcohol and high-fructose corn syrup. Medications such as NSAIDs, colchicine, or xanthine oxidase inhibitors may also be prescribed.

Can gout be prevented?

While gout cannot be completely prevented, certain measures can help reduce the risk of its occurrence. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, can help manage uric acid levels and minimize the chances of developing gout.

Can acidosis stress trigger gout attacks?

Yes, acidosis stress can potentially trigger gout attacks. Acidosis stress refers to an imbalance in the body's pH levels, leading to increased acidity. This acidic environment can promote the formation and deposition of uric acid crystals, exacerbating gout symptoms in susceptible individuals. Managing stress levels and maintaining a healthy pH balance can help prevent gout attacks triggered by acidosis stress.
