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  • 足の微小外傷 - ランニングやジョギングなど、硬すぎたり柔らかすぎたりする表面で繰り返し衝撃を受ける運動は、微小外傷の原因となります。微小外傷は、コンクリートの上でのジョギングなど、繰り返しの動作によって引き起こされます。一度の強い打撃や衝撃で起こるマクロ外傷とは異なります。また、靴のサイズが合っていない場合にも起こります。また、病気が原因で足が痛くなることもあります。
  • 痛風 - 痛風は、豊かな食物の過剰摂取によって引き起こされることがあります。以前は、痛風は裕福な人の病気と考えられていました。しかし、現在では収入とは関係なく、低カロリーの食事をしている人なら誰でも経験する可能性があります。痛風は、血液中に尿酸が蓄積され、血液中に結晶が形成されることで起こります。この結晶が足首や足の関節に蓄積され、激しい痛みや腫れを引き起こします。
  • 糖尿病 - 糖尿病は、足の痛みや不快感の原因となります。糖尿病患者は、しばしば水疱、角質、ただれ、またはその他の傷に悩まされます。これらの症状は、多くの場合、神経の損傷によって引き起こされます。足の痛みは、妊娠によって引き起こされることもあります。体が外側に成長し、バランスが取れなくなることで、女性は足のトラブルに見舞われることがあります。
  • 歩行や姿勢の変化により、足は不都合な調整を余儀なくされます。足に水分がたまると、大きな痛みや不快感を感じることがあります。足の痛みが病気の可能性がある場合は、医師に相談する必要があります。診断が複数の方法で役に立つことがあります。糖尿病が疑われる場合は、医師の診察を受けましょう。








How can you recognise a gout attack?

There are several signs to help you recognise a gout attack: the attack occurs suddenly, often at night, during rest, with the onset of intense pain (burning, grinding sensation) in a joint. The pain is at its worst in 6 to 12 hours; Inflammatory disease affects just one joint (mono-arthritis), often in the legs, and generally in the joint at the base of the big toe. More rarely, it affects the knee or ankle. The affected joint is red, swollen, warm, large and extremely painful to the slightest touch. The skin and subcutaneous tissues are often very red and oedematous (swollen). Fever and chills may be associated.

What are the main signs of an acute gout attack?

Acute gout is characterised by inflammatory attacks, the typical form of which is involvement of the big toe of the foot, but other joint locations are possible. These are discussed in detail in a separate chapter. The attack itself usually affects a single joint, but this is not always the case in major gout sufferers. Sometimes, two or more joints may be the site of the inflammatory attack. In this case, they are often consecutive.

Acute pain, often nocturnal. This is usually the first symptom. The pain increases progressively and is often described as burning, tearing and even grinding, tearing or biting. It is often unbearable. The patient is said to have the impression of having his foot (for example) caught in a "wolf trap".

This pain is exacerbated by the slightest contact, and can lead to insomnia and impotence of the affected limb. It is often located on the inside of the joint. The signs resemble those of an acute infection, with tumour, redness, heat and exquisite pain. The surrounding skin is taut, warm, shiny and red or purplish in colour. There may be fever, tachycardia, chills and malaise. In the early hours of the morning, the attack generally subsides. Repeated attacks each night constitute a "gout attack".

What can a gout attack be confused with?

Various pathologies can resemble acute gout attacks. Microcrystalline arthritis or "diffuse articular chondrocalcinosis": is based on X-rays (calcium incrustations in articular cartilage and fibrocartilage) and the appearance of crystals in the synovial fluid (short, stocky, square-tipped, with little or no birefringence under polarised light). Inflammatory rheumatism: here are the main, non-exhaustive examples.

  • Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Enterocolopathic arthritis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Behçet
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • 関節リウマチ
  • Psoriasis arthritis
  • Algodystrophy

Can a gout attack occur with normal uric acid levels?

Yes, this can occur in up to 50% of patients. Blood uric acid levels at the time of the inflammatory attack are not always representative of the amount of urate crystals deposited in the joints. There are patients with overt attacks of gout who have normal uric acid, and there are also patients with elevated uric acid levels who nevertheless have few symptoms. A normal uric acid level in a blood test does not exclude a diagnosis of gout.

When to see a doctor if I have gout?

If you experience joint inflammation or recurrent pain without any justifying blow, especially in the big toe, instep, ankle or knee. You may also want to consult your doctor if your uric acid levels are consistently elevated in blood tests, especially if they increase significantly over the years or if they are particularly high, such as 9 or more. It may also be advisable to consult your doctor if there is a family history of gout in one or more members of your family and you suffer from hyperuricaemia.

Can gout be cured only by taking care of your diet and avoiding alcohol?

In most cases the answer is no. In the same way that high blood pressure is not usually solved by cutting down on salt in food alone. In the same way that high blood pressure is not usually solved by lowering the salt in food alone, but with daily antihypertensive medication, the gout patient also usually needs the help of drugs to be cured.

Most gout sufferers have been depositing urate in their tissues for years without knowing or noticing it, and these accumulations cannot be dissolved by diet alone (although this helps). To dissolve the crystal deposits and thus cure gout, we need to use medication that decreases purine production (allopurinol, febuxostat) or increases its elimination (uricosurics, such as benzbromarone).

6 コメント

  • J. Cascioppo
    投稿 28. 5月 2024 16:01

    I have a high need to compensate for chronic inflammation in my feet. This may or may not help, but the facts are that turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory. That’s why I made my order of Fyron G1 Curcuma, I want to try it as it is completely natural without chemics. I hope it relieves my pains!

  • Vincent
    投稿 2. 6月 2024 14:17

    I was SUPER skeptical about this Fyron G2 Boswellia working. But anyone that knows what it is like to have pain everyday for months on end knows that you get to a point where you are willing to try almost anything. About 4 months ago I went from someone who walked everywhere, miles and miles every day, and loved it, to someone who couldn’t walk a block without sciatic pain dropping me to my knees at time. I stopped taking public transit to work (back when we all actually left the house to go to work) and had to start driving because I was unable to walk the 2 miles to and from the train everyday anymore. I stopped going hiking on weekends, heck I couldn’t anything I loved to do anymore, even trips to the grocery store were painful. I started seeing a chiropractor and went about 8 times with no change, I had not given up on that but then then we all were put on virus lock down. I started reading about sciatic pain and something that came up over and over was the term inflammation. II could change my diet to help and I have started to do that, but that can take a lot of time to have an effect and in the meantime I was unable to actually exercise which would have helped. SO I started taking this drop Fyron G2 3 times a day and I kid you not, one week later I went for a Hike! Not my normal 7-10 miles but a still a honest to goodness 2 miles in the woods hike without a hint of pain. I almost didn’t believe it, I spent most of the hike waiting for that sharp paint to shoot down my leg and take me out..but no pain. I have continued to take this for the last three weeks and still no more pain. And I did a longer hike last weekend! The great thing is I am not able to move again which helps with my condition overall. Some may say it was a coincidence but I refuse to believe it, nothing in my life changed other than I started taking this and now I am almost totally pain free.

  • Tammy
    投稿 5. 6月 2024 21:11

    I started taking this in May 2023 and knew it was helping with my knee and hip pain. I ran out and failed to reorder immediately and I am really paying the price. Needless to say, I have reordered today and cannot wait for my Fyron G1+G2 to arrive. I had forgotten how much my hip and knee hurt from arthritis since I started taking this Boswellia with Curcuma, but It is obvious that this stuff actually works to reduce pain from arthritis.

  • Mandera
    投稿 11. 6月 2024 14:39

    IM TOTALLY SHOCKED HOW WELL THIS PRODUCT WORKS. I HAD cervical surgery in 2008 fusions of C-2 C-3 C-4 & C-5 AND MY spinal cord crushed as well which left scar tissue on the spinal cord itself which still has not gone away. This injury has caused burning sensation in my feet and my entire nervous system is super sensitive so much that my own body weight hurts me and haven’t been able to lay on a bed to sleep for over 10 years. My entire body hurts and had a morphine pump implanted under the skin which gets filled about every 3 months and is a continuous feed 24 hours day into my spinal fluid and was taken 2o mg oxycodone every 6 hours as well. I started taken this Fyron G1+G2 and the first day I clearly noticed improvement of all my many symptoms caused bye cervical myelopathy. I started having the morphine reduced in the pump 9 months ago and have not taken any oxycodone in 3 months. SOON I will be completely off all pain medication which is unbelievable. Many doctors were concerned with the amount of pain meds I was on at the age of 45 with what I thought was going be a life time on morphine and pain pills. FYRON G1+G2 IS A GREAT PRODUCT.

  • Pat Webb
    投稿 13. 6月 2024 15:48

    I’ve tried so many things over the years and this Fyron G1+G2 gives me the most relief! This is coming from a Martial’s arts teacher. I love it

  • M. Carden
    投稿 17. 6月 2024 15:59

    These Fyron G1+G2 are wonderful!! If I don’t take it, every step I take is painful in my toes. Recommend it to a friend and it took the pain out of her knees!!
