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scoarță de salcie albă

Cum să vindeci în mod natural artrita?

There are many types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, which is the most common, is often seen in older patients. It is caused over many years by the wear and tear of the joints. Sometimes, it occurs in a joint after an injury. Rheumatoid is a crippling condition that can affect young and middle-aged females. Gouty arthritis is more common in middle-aged men than in women. It…
gută inflamată

Guta poate fi primară?

Gout is caused by a combination of prolonged elevations of uric acid levels and overall acidity of the bloodstream. Gout is most common in the big toe (approximately 75% of first attacks), but it can also affect other joints like the ankle, heel and instep, knees, wrist, elbow, fingers and spine. Gout is caused by crystals of uric acids, in the form monosodium-urate, that precipitate…
bogat în calciu

Cum să te ocupi de artrită?

Living with arthritis is difficult. It can make daily life difficult because of pains in the joints. Millions of people worldwide suffer from arthritis and related conditions. These include swelling, inflammation, stiffness, and pain in the joints. There are many types of arthritis. The most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis, a form degenerative arthritis, usually develops in people over 40. This occurs when the…