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Ali Boswellia zmanjšuje vnetje?

Bosvelija (ali kadilo) blaži reakcije imunskega sistema, ki povzročajo vnetja in otekline. Tako lahko bosvelija zmanjša bolečino in vnetje.

Izvleček bosvelije se zato lahko optimalno uporablja kot naravni analgetik. Je odličen nadomestek za običajne analgetike. V nasprotju z običajnimi protibolečinskimi sredstvi ali zdravili na recept, ki imajo številne stranske učinke, izvleček bosvelije nima stranskih učinkov in se brez zapletov uporablja že tisočletja.

Sestavine bosvelije so posebej zasnovane tako, da nadzorujejo vnetja. Bosvelija se je izkazala za učinkovito naravno zdravilo za vnetja, kot je protin. Zmanjšuje otekanje sklepov, bolečino in povečuje upogibanje. Bosvelija je nestrupena, naravna in ima številne druge prednosti.

Izvleček bosvelije serrate je tako močan, da je primerljiv z običajnimi protivnetnimi zdravili za zmanjšanje vnetja pri bolečinah v sklepih in artritisu.

Bosvelične kisline delujejo neposredno na pro-vnetne molekule, odgovorne za bolečino: levkotriene, ki povzročajo tudi oksidativno škodo.

Te kisline z usmerjenim zaviralnim delovanjem izboljšajo prekrvavitev žil in omogočijo dotok krvi v sklepe in tkiva, ki se bolje hranijo in odvajajo, kar pomaga odpraviti vnetja. Z zmanjševanjem vnetja izvleček bosvelije zmanjšuje otekanje, bolečine in jutranjo togost. Obnovi prožnost in gibljivost sklepov. Zato je še posebej učinkovit pri osteoartritisu, revmatoidnem artritisu in protinu.

Omogoča znatno zmanjšanje uporabe alopatskih zdravil, v številnih primerih pa jih celo popolnoma nadomesti. To je še toliko bolj prepričljivo, če izvleček bosvelije jemljemo redno, kot dopolnilno zdravljenje in ne ob napadu. V kombinaciji s kurkumo, še enim naravnim protivnetnim zdravilom iz ajurvedske farmakopeje, spodbuja cirkulacijo in bo zelo učinkovit pri artritisu kolena.

Buy Boswellia

Kaj je protin?

Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs when there is an excess buildup of uric acid in the body, leading to the formation of urate crystals in the joints. This can result in sudden and severe joint pain, swelling, and redness.

How is gout diagnosed?

Gout is typically diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, medical history review, and laboratory tests, such as blood tests and joint fluid analysis.

How can gout be prevented?

Gout can be prevented or managed through various lifestyle modifications. These include maintaining a healthy weight, following a balanced diet low in purine-rich foods, limiting alcohol intake, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular physical activity.

How is gout treated?

Gout is typically treated through a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and self-care measures. Medications may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, or medications that lower uric acid levels. Lifestyle changes may involve dietary modifications, weight management, and avoiding triggers.

Can natural remedies help manage gout symptoms?

Natural remedies, such as boswellic acid derived from boswellia, have been studied for their potential anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate gout symptoms. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any natural drops or supplements as a treatment option.

5 Komentarji

  • Elianna
    Objavljeno 27. maj 2024 na spletni strani . 20:21

    Fyron G2 Boswellia definitely takes my body pains away. I am almost 48 and takes away my feet, knee and elbow pain and helps with my hand stiffness and pain. I recommend it if you are looking for something to help with stiffness and pain. I have not been diagnosed with anything but I was a ballet dancer as a child and teen, I worked on my feet for over 15 year and now work at a desk. My body started hurting a year or so ago. This definitely works.

  • Arny
    Objavljeno 31. maj 2024 na spletni strani . 14:07

    This Fyron G2 works well I have some joint pain in my fingers. I like to take it at night Because I feel it also helps me rest and relax more along with relieving the inflammation in my fingers and joints.

  • Irene
    Objavljeno 3. junij 2024 na spletni strani . 18:06

    Since I cannot take any medications to take pain away from my arthritic knees because of side effects and it raises my blood pressure. I decided to try Fyron G2 Boswellia because my daughter was using it for her cat who has arthritis and behold, her cat is having an easier time to walk. I’m finding that if I take it in the morning along with my breakfast, it keeps me either free of pain or at a very low level. I am still testing it out at what dose I should be on and if I should try and take it twice a day.

  • Kates
    Objavljeno 10. junij 2024 na spletni strani . 16:59

    I take this Fyron G2 to eliminate arthritis and pulled muscle pain, or any inflammation pain I feel in any part of my body. This Boswellia drops has never failed to reduce inflammation and pain for me. Every person is different, so I cannot attest to it working for everyone, but it definitely works wonders for me. I was experiencing some low back pain, took the Fyron G2 and wasn’t expecting it to reduce the painful inflammation, but amazingly, the pain disappeared within 20 min. or less. It has amazing healing qualities that astound me to no end.

  • C. Whorton
    Objavljeno 12. junij 2024 na spletni strani . 16:27

    Fyron G2 has always been my go to in the winter months to fight off fatigue and pain/inflammation in my lower back. It also helps me to feel more wide awake and rested in the morning. I recommend this Boswellia!

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