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Aktivno oglje

Ali obstajajo varne kuhinje zdravil za protin?

Gout is a chronic condition where the joints of the body are affected by inflammation. Patients look for relief to reduce pain in the majority of cases. Gout control is something people seek out in a more straightforward way. Gout treatment options have improved with the advent of modern medicine. Gout problems can be managed by proper nutrition and proper medication. Here are some home…
Različne vrste sladkorja

Kako se spopasti s sladkorno boleznijo?

80 million Americans are not yet diagnosed as pre-diabetic (with impaired sugar tolerance). Insulin is a hormone that helps the body move sugar through the bloodstream to be used or stored. Insulin resistance is a condition that leads to high glucose levels. This can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Consumption of too many processed foods and grains is one of…
Naravno kozmetično olje

Kako skrbeti za kožo?

My skin and I have always enjoyed creating body butters and essential oil blends using carrier oils. Get creative when creating essential oil blends in carrier oils. There are many butters and oils to choose from. Avocado oil (Laurus Persea or Persea gratuitsima) has a high penetration. It deeply moisturizes and softens dry skin. It prevents cracks, chapping, and stretch marks. It is great for…
Sam prekomerna telesna teža

Kako ugotoviti, ali imam prekomerno telesno težo?

What is the definition of overweight? There are several indicators that will tell you if you are overweight. BMI (Body mass index) is the most commonly used indicator. BMI (Body Mass Index), a statistical measure that measures a person's "fitness" based on their weight and height, is the most commonly used indicator. Your Body Mass Index (BMI), is calculated by multiplying your weight in kilograms…
rdeča jabolka

Kako zmanjšati količino sečne kisline v telesu?

Learn how to lower your body's uric acid using natural home remedies that don't have the side effects of expensive medications. It is important to lower your uric acid levels. High levels can cause gout and permanent joint damage. Your bloodstream produces uric acid from the breakdown of chemical compounds known as "purines". Purines are found in our bodies as well as in our food…