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Swollen phalanx

What are Common Causes of Swollen Fingers?

I still vividly recall the day my father had his wedding ring removed from his finger. It was a terrifying and fascinating experience for me, who must have been around four years old. What is the cause? The cause? Arthritis can cause swelling in the fingers from any type of arthritis, but rheumatoid or osteoarthritis are more common. Anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers can be helpful. Capsaicin can be applied topically to provide pain relief. This can reduce the pain…
Pain in the finger joints

How can Arthritis affect me?

Most likely, arthritis is associated with older patients and a lot of pain. However, there are many things that make arthritis a unique and painful disease. Unfortunately, arthritis isn't just for the elderly. It can also manifest in many forms. The Greek words for joint inflammation and arthritis are the origins of the term arthritis. It refers to a range of health conditions that affect the joints. Since ancient times, arthritis has been documented. The 4500 BC first case was…
body defense

Does eating Fruits benefits my Immune System?

Fruits provide a lot of vitamins, minerals, and amazing antioxidant phytochemicals that help fight diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other ailments. Fruits can provide all of this and more. Fruits are rich in fiber, both the insoluble and soluble types. Fiber is the best defense against constipation, which is also linked to colon cancer. Insoluble fiber can also help lower bad cholesterol. Let me ask you a question: Have you ever found yourself attracted to the…
Woman Holding Icing Gel Therapy Pack

How To Get Relief From Joint Pain

Joint pain can be a chronic medical condition that can affect anyone. The pain is often accompanied by stiffness in the affected joints, as well as redness and fever. Other symptoms include fatigue, sleeplessness, and a general feeling tired or depressed. Sometimes, people with joint pain may experience depression and anxiety. There are two possible ways that joint pain can affect the human body. It can attack the body suddenly, or accumulate over a long period of time. This condition…
sore neck tensed muscles

What is Arthritis again?

About 46 million Americans suffer from arthritis. It is a growing condition that affects more people every year. There are more than 100 types of arthritis. This is a little-known fact. Most people mistakenly believe that arthritis is a single condition. This means that the treatments they seek are often ineffective. Each type of arthritis has a different treatment protocol. It is important to get a precise diagnosis of what you have. Here are some common arthritic diseases: Osteoarthritis is…
ankle injury

How to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid-arthritis is not curable. The goal of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis is to reduce joint inflammation, pain, maximize joint function, prevent joint destruction, and deformity. Early intervention is key to reducing chronic joint inflammation and soft tissue swelling. A comprehensive treatment program is necessary to provide optimal care. This disease affects the peripheral joints, such as the hands, feet, wrists and knees. It also affects the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments. It can also affect internal organs such as the…
Canine Arthritis

What are great Arthritis Treatments?

Let's go backwards now that I have listed my top 5 arthritis tips for cold-weather survival. Arthritis is a common condition that can be passed down from generation to generation. Our country's diet plays a significant role in how our bodies respond to outside attacks. Our lifestyles can make us more susceptible to arthritis. Cold weather and arthritis don't go hand in hand. The foods we eat and don't eat can have a significant impact on how our bodies will…
Summer portrait

How to stop Retaining Water?

Many women ask how to stop retaining water throughout the year. It seems that retaining water is a constant problem. This could be due to bloating or excess water retention from food. Asian women can get rid of excess water, puffiness and bloating naturally without resorting to harmful pills or other extreme methods. Let's take a look at some of their most popular tips! How to Stop Retaining water - without dangerous diuretics! First, it is important to stress that…