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Assortment of healthy food

How to Heal myself with Foods?

One time, I was asked by a TV interviewer what my definition of true wellness was. My answer was, although too simplified for the scientist, "The absence or recurrence of disease at all levels" - that is, physical, mental, and emotional. I believe that everyone can improve their health by making better decisions. To live a healthier life, my number one rule is to make every effort to choose a path towards wellness and away from diseases. Choose a path…
Intermittent fasting

What should I be doing to Lose Weight?

The average diet requires that a person work hard for a while to lose weight, then they are left to maintain their results. Most "diets" don’t work. They can actually help someone lose weight and increase muscle mass. The person will inevitably gain all of the weight gained after the diet is over. Do you feel this way? This isn't unusual. Most people don’t know what it takes to lose weight, not just the "fat", and be able keep it…
homeopathic globules

What causes Knee Pain?

Seniors complain of knee pain all the time. The Emotion Code can help. There are many causes of knee pain. It can be managed with self-care. There are many reasons senior citizens can experience knee pain. You can blame arthritis, knee injuries and tendinitis for some of these problems. All of these conditions can be crippling and painful. The Emotion Code is a way to help. What is the Emotion Code? It is a healing energy technique that helps you…
water is cold

Are there effective Ways of Tacking a Hair Loss Problem?

A person suffering from hair loss can experience severe psychological problems. It can also affect an individual's emotional state. The appearance of a person's hair plays a significant role. It can make a statement about your style. A person's appearance can be affected by a receding or lost hairline. A person's self-esteem is affected when they start to go bald. It is important to seek medical attention in order to fix the problem. Women and men suffer differently. The problem…
Young beautiful woman

What is the Mystery of Amethyst?

Amethyst, a purple-colored and pale reddish quartz variety, is also known as a violet or pale reddish variety. It is believed that all magenta, purple, and mauve color minerals were known by this name in ancient times. Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, honesty, security (Europe), happiness (Ancient Egypt), and peace (India). The stone brings happiness to selfless, dedicated people. The clergy are attracted to this particular stone because they believe Amethyst draws the faithful to God. This stone is…