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senior man's hands

How to manage Incontinence?

Caffeine can cause sudden urges to urinate. It is both a diuretic as well as a bladder stimulant. Caffeine can cause more incontinence if you already have it. It is not always easy to cut caffeine. Incontinence management is not the only reason to reduce caffeine intake. Too much caffeine can lead to premature death, raise blood pressure, cause indigestion, insomnia, and be harmful for type 2 diabetes. Although caffeine can increase your energy and help you get through your…
Medicinal Pau d'Arco

What are Sports Supplements good for?

Sports supplements are products used by athletes to improve their performance. These supplements are available on the market as energy bars, sports drinks, and energy gels. These products include amino acids, vitamins and herbal extracts, minerals, and plant extracts. Supplements may also contain fiber such as psyllium and guar gum, enzymes, and other hormone-mimicking compounds. Since time immemorial, these ergogenic products were used by athletes. The ancient Greeks used mushrooms as a way to improve their athletic skills. Today's sport…
Fresh basil

How to control my Cholesterol?

High cholesterol can lead to heart disease. This is a well-known fact. What most people don't know is that low or normal cholesterol can also lead to heart disease. As the old saying goes, too much cholesterol is not good. If cholesterol levels are normal and someone decides that they want to lower them further, this person could also be at risk of having a heart attack. A potential heart attack risk patient should have his or her cholesterol levels…
itching rash

Are there Natural Home Remedies for Eczema?

Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions. It is characterized by inflammation of the skin with a catarrhal nature. It can be accompanied by vesicles, papules or pustules. There may also be itching or irritation. It is a sign that the skin reacts to irritations. It is most common in people with a morbid constitution, where the kidneys' excretions are impaired. In its acute form, Eczema manifests itself as redness and swelling of skin, formation of tiny vesicles,…
summer berries

How can Fruits help to mantain Good Health?

There is life, and fruit, and there is hope. Nine hundred and ninety nine out of every thousand healers will have to accept this truth. Although many people have heard of the "grape cure" to over-feeding and the "lemon cure for rheumatism", these "cures" are largely just names. It is still amazing to the uninitiated how much fruit can be eaten if you give up all other food types. This should not be done in a reckless or random manner.…
Agave Syrup in a Bowl

Is Agave Syrup good for my Health?

Recently, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), has been in the news. It can lead to obesity, as more people are finding out. Recent studies have shown that HFCS can contain mercury depending on how it is made. As an alternative to HFCS, some have turned to agave syrup. It is sweet and easy-to-use. Is agave syrup good? Recent studies have shown that agave syrup can be even worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup in certain ways. Fructose is one sugar…
Healthy meal

Is my Body ready to Lose Weight?

There are times when we all want to lose weight and burn more fat. Congratulations! You are one of the few people who can eat better and lose weight as they please. Quick question: How long did it take for you to lose weight? Did you have to fast for at least 4-6 weeks, resist cravings, and count calories every day? This meant that you had to really work hard to get your body to lose weight and burn fat.…
papaya slice and papaya juice

What to know when Cleansing for The First Time?

To test your digestion, the first thing I recommend is to eat a lot of frozen corn. Corn is difficult to digest so it will appear in stool in its original form. You can watch your bowel movements to see how long it takes for the corn spores to appear. You might want to speak to me if it takes longer than 48 hours. If you really want to cleanse, COFFEE would be the first thing that I would recommend…