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long dark hair

What are Causes of Loss of Hair?

This article will discuss the causes of hair fall. It can be difficult to lose your hair. Hair is such an integral part of our physical appearance, that when it falls out, it can cause a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important to understand the reasons your hair is falling out, and what steps you can take in order to fix it. Hair loss can be caused by many things. Hair loss can occur if you have been…
Concept for losing hair

What are Common Causes of Hair Loss?

The body's natural process of renewal involves hair falling out. New growth replaces hair that is falling out. At some point in their lives, most people experience excessive hair loss. This can be caused by a variety of factors including radiation, chemotherapy, medication, stress, hormone and nutritional factors, thyroid disease and generalized or localized skin diseases. Some of these causes are temporary while others are permanent. Hair fall can be caused by aging, styling, and life expectancy. A single hair…
Young man

What to know about Hair Loss?

Ever wonder what causes hair loss? It's possible that you have the baldness gene from your father. Sometimes, it is possible for a person to be genetically predisposed to thinning hair. It's possible that you will experience the same condition as your relatives who have experienced pattern baldness, also known as androgenic hair loss. There are many other causes of hair loss or thinning, but they are not as well-known as genetics. Knowing about them will help you make the…
All scalp related problems

Can Ayurveda prevent Hair Loss?

All of us experience hair loss at some point in our lives. It is important to understand the hair structure and its normal growth cycle in order to identify the causes of hair loss. The root and shaft of hair can be separated from each other. The epidermis of the scalp is where the root of hair is located. The hair root is enclosed by a pouch-like structure called follicle. The bulb-shaped base of the hair root is found at…
Bald man

What are Causes of Hair Loss?

Every person will experience some hair loss as part of the normal cycle of hair growth. According to some estimates, 10% of our scalp hair is in a resting phase. This phase sheds after a few months and gives way to new growth. The growing phase lasts between 2 and 6 years, during which each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per year. This means that almost 90 percent of hair is growing at once. This cycle includes regular hair shedding.…
Self-doubt and inferiority complex

How to treat Hair Loss in Men?

Some men who lose their hair can experience stress. Some people can accept baldness and manage to look good, while others feel anxious and stressed. Many products claim to help you grow full hair. To determine if a treatment is right for you, you need to first understand the root cause of your hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of temporary and specific circumstances. You can determine the reason your hair is thinning and then choose…