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Why Weight Loss is so complicaded?

Although weight loss is a common part of daily life, it's not an easy goal. It is something we do every day. There are a few ways to lose weight safely and effectively. Weight gain and weight loss are directly related the balance between calories you eat and calories you burn through exercise and daily activities like sports. A "natural weight" should be your goal. The average teenager needs 1,700 to 3,000 calories per day to meet their physiologic needs,…
summer berries

How can Fruits help to mantain Good Health?

There is life, and fruit, and there is hope. Nine hundred and ninety nine out of every thousand healers will have to accept this truth. Although many people have heard of the "grape cure" to over-feeding and the "lemon cure for rheumatism", these "cures" are largely just names. It is still amazing to the uninitiated how much fruit can be eaten if you give up all other food types. This should not be done in a reckless or random manner.…
Gum inflammation.

How to fight Inflammation with Food?

Chronic inflammation is what I want to concentrate on in this article. Chronic inflammation can be caused by many factors, including being sedentary, overweight, smoking, increased stress, and a lack of sleep. These factors, along with the Standard American Diet, contribute significantly to low levels inflammation. This can accelerate aging and increase your risk of developing diseases. It is important to take steps towards reducing inflammation, which can promote disease. Nature has provided many natural ways to fight inflammation. Certain…
Rheumatoid arthritis

What are the different types of Arthritis?

There are more than 100 types of arthritis. However, most people have one of the most common. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This is a degenerative joint disorder, usually caused by the body's natural decline over time. Osteoarthritis can also be caused by trauma to the joints or infection. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, one in eight Americans over 25 suffers from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can be caused by both injury…
overweight smiling woman

What are the effects of being Obese?

Obesity (or excess body fat) is often caused by eating too many energy-rich foods and not enough exercise to burn off calories. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.3 billion adults worldwide will be overweight in 2015 and more than 700 million will be obese. Obesity can have serious consequences for your health and increase your risk of developing life-threatening diseases. Because it is more difficult to walk, exercise, or get up in the morning, obesity leads to deconditioning.…
Spoon, fork and measuring tape

Whar are all the Different Diets?

It shouldn't surprise you to hear that your answer is "yes, but I'm confused about all these so-called diets." One expert may tell you that low carbohydrate (low-carb) and high protein are the best ways to lose weight. Another expert will convince you that lots of carbs, low fat, and fresh fruits and veggies are the best ways to lose weight. Another will tell you to count your sugar intake. Or that white flour is the main reason you are…
Women's legs on the scales

How to lose Weight before the Holidays?

Are you looking to lose weight fast before the holidays? You're worried about the Holidays and how you will feed your family and friends. You're not worried about what you'll eat or how to get to the parties. If you can't lose those extra pounds, you worry about how you'll look and what you'll wear. Do you think that if you could lose just a half inch around your waist and maybe another half inch around the thighs, you would…
Ingredients for the healthy foods selection

What are Common Illnesses caused by fatty Diet?

Obesity can be caused by too much fat in the diet. This is a risk factor for many serious diseases. Dietary fats are an energy source for the body and help to regulate many bodily functions like blood pressure, heart beat, and blood clotting. While our bodies need a certain amount to function properly, too much fat can lead to health problems. A low-fat diet is the best. This ensures that our bodies get the right amount of fat and…