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Are there different Kinds of Arthritis?

Unless you are diagnosed with a particular type of arthritis, you may not be aware that there are many different forms of arthritis that can affect you or someone you love. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of arthritis we know. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Many older people have it to some extent. Osteoarthritis is when the cartilage that cushions your bones’ ends – the joints – begins to wear down. The more cartilage is worn down, the more you will feel pain and swelling in the joint.

Let’s see…

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis is the second most common type of arthritis. This is an autoimmune disease where your cells attack many joints and soft tissues. It can happen regardless of whether the cartilage has been damaged or not. Age is not an issue, but it is known as Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis when it occurs in young people.
  • Gouty Arthritis: If you feel a lot of pain or swelling in your largest toe or knee, this could be a sign that you have Gouty Arthritis. This is caused by a buildup of urate crystals within the joint. This type of arthritis can usually be treated with medication and a special diet.
  • Lupus Arthritis (Lupus) – Lupus is an auto immune disease. However, Lupus Arthritis can be treated with medication and a special diet. This type of arthritis typically affects the wrists and hands.
  • Pseudogout arthritis – Similar to Gout but caused by calcium buildup in the joints, Pseudogout arthritis is also known as Gout. Pseudogout arthritis affects the knee joint.
  • Infectious Arthritis is caused by an infection of the joint. The infection causes the joint to become inflamed. This condition is also known as Septic or Bacterial arthritis and can be very serious. This type of arthritis can lead to joint infection. However, you will need to treat the infection. You may also need surgery to remove the entire infection from the joint.
  • Hemorrhagic Arthritis is a form of arthritis that results from bleeding in the joint. The blood essentially builds up, causing swelling and pain. This is normal.


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