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How to reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation?

An arthritis is a condition that affects the joints and the muscles surrounding them. A capsule protects every joint in the human body. Cartilages are formed at the joint between the bone heads of two bones. The joint cavity is filled by a fluid called synovial fluid. The cartilages at the bone heads act as a cushioning pad, resisting bone friction and allowing for smooth movement of bones. The cartilages can become weaker due to obesity, previous bone injury or infection, and aging. This is a phenomenon that causes bones to rub against each other.

Let’s see…

The bones collide and rub against each other, causing them to become eroded. The friction can cause bone heads to become spurs or osteophytes. This causes joint inflammation, which is known as arthritis. There are many types of arthritis. The most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis is a common condition in the elderly. Osteoarthritis is caused by aging. This causes cartilage degeneration and bone friction. Young people are most at risk from rheumatoid. It is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks healthy tissues and organs. Gout is caused by crystallization of the uric acid in the joint.

Take Note

  • Freshly grated ginger is an excellent remedy for arthritis. Ginger reduces inflammation-causing agents such as prostaglandins or leukotrienes.
  • Some relief can be found in drinking tart cherry juice and massaging the affected joints with hot vinegar or paraffin before going to sleep at night.
  • You can make your own massage oil by adding camphor and menthol to a carrier oils. Camphor and menthol can be used to ease muscle tightness and soothe inflammatory conditions.
  • You can also reduce stiffness and pain by applying cold and hot compresses alternately.
  • Many herbs, such as alfalfa, celery, black cohosh (boswellia), hops, and rosemary, are used in the preparation herbal supplements for arthritis. Many of these herbs have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving qualities that can help reduce joint pain and inflammation.



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