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What are Top Gout Remedies?

Gout can be a debilitating and painful condition. You should be looking for new and more effective treatments. This article is for you and anyone you know who suffers from gout. It will review the current gout remedies and see if there is any new research. Gout treatments fall under one umbrella. They should be followed as an anti-inflammatory diet. Gout is an inflammatory condition, just like arthritis and rheumatoid.

Take Note

  • Water – This one’s free! 8 cups of water per day is a good goal. This will flush out excess uric acids and reduce swelling and pain.
  • Black Cherry Juice – One of the best home remedies for gout. Concentrated and unsweetened blackberry juice is best. This juice can be purchased in a health food shop or online. Gout sufferers should consume several tablespoons of concentrate juice each day during flare-ups.
  • Blueberries – Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances.
  • Strawberries – A few strawberries a day can reduce swelling and pain. Strawberries neutralize uric acids, so a handful of strawberries a day can quickly reduce swelling.
  • Fresh Cherries – These are only available seasonally. However, a few fresh cherries daily between meals can quickly relieve symptoms of gout.
  • Baking soda – Add half a teaspoon to your meals every day. This can increase blood pH levels over time.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- Although vinegar is acidic, apple cider vinegar has an alkaline effect on your body.
  • Celery Seeds – Celery seeds can help your body remove uric acid. They also contain anti-inflammatory substances. Celery seeds can cause diuresis so make sure to drink plenty of water. They should not be consumed by pregnant women or people with kidney disease.
  • Potassium – Eat foods high in potassium like baked potatoes with the skin, avocados and bananas. A potassium supplement can also be taken, but food-based potassium seems faster. Potassium is necessary for your body to eliminate uric acid crystals.
  • Sugars can be reduced or eliminated. It is best not to use chemical substitutes. Instead, opt for Stevia or maple syrup or agave. It is highly recommended to avoid soda and beer. The traditional anti-inflammatory diet is still supported by medical research.


These gout remedies can help you manage your symptoms. However, you should also reduce your chances of getting gout attacks again. It is important to continue to follow the anti-inflammatory diet to reduce or eliminate gout symptoms. It doesn’t take much to reap the health benefits of this diet. Just taking it day-by-day and trying your best will get you great results.


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