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What are the best Diets for Gout?

Gout diets that are easy on the waistline are the best. However, you should be aware that there are certain foods you can eat and some you must avoid in order to prevent a gout attack. Gout “friendly” foods should be eaten in small amounts. This will allow you to reduce your waistline and allow you to get enough exercise. Gout diets that are low in purines are the best. These foods can cause a painful gout attack.


Drinking excessive alcohol and foods that contain purines can cause uric acids to build up in your joints. Gout sufferers should avoid beer, in particular. Drink between two and three liters of water per day (roughly eight to 10 8-ounce glasses). This is important for diluting uric acid in your body and promoting faster elimination. Reduce your intake of fats and fatty foods, as they can increase uric acid production. This will also help you lose weight. It is important to avoid foods high in purine.

Maintain a healthy weight. This will reduce your chance of getting gouty, make it easier to exercise, as well as give you more energy. Avoid diets that are too high in protein, especially animal protein.

Did You Know?

Gout symptoms can be aggravated by a high-protein diet. Tofu and low-fat dairy products can be substituted for the nutrients found in meats and full-fat dairy products. You might be curious about the mysterious purines and how to reduce them in your diet after you’ve heard about eating “low purines” to prevent gout. Purines are found in organ meats, fatty and shellfish.

Sweetbreads, yeast, and mussels are all examples of foods high in purines. Mutton, anchovies and bacon, as well as scallops, scallops, and the pheasant, are some of the more high-purine foods. However, fruits, low-fat dairy products, eggs, green vegetables, and fruits are all considered low in purines and are suitable for gout patients. These foods are also low in fat, except eggs. These ingredients are not enough to sustain you.

Balanced Diet

Gout sufferers need to eat a balanced diet that is low in saturated fats and high in complex carbohydrates. These are helpful for gout prevention and can give you a feeling “fullness”. They can help you keep your weight down if you are careful about how much you eat. They are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You can add foods like pasta, cereals, and rice to your gout diet. Olive oil, avocados, and nuts are all rich in unsaturated fats.


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