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What is Hyperuricemia?

Gout and kidney disease are interrelated diseases. Both can be caused by hyperuricemia, or high blood uric acid. It is very rare that it is genetically transmitted. Most of the time, it is caused by changes in your diet over time. Consuming high-calorie and high-protein meaty foods for long periods can lead to uric acid buildup in the body. This eventually leads to hyperuricemia. To maintain a healthy blood pH, your kidneys will have to work harder. To flush out high levels of uric acid via urine, a large amount of water is required.


The problem arises when you don’t drink enough water (soft drinks do not count as water). The urine in your kidney tubules becomes thicker, and more concentrated. Uric acid is very solubilized, making it easier to crystallize. These tiny urate crystals grow larger and larger over time and eventually block some fine tubules in your kidneys. This decreases the kidney’s ability to eliminate uric acids and results in more uric acid being absorbed into the bloodstream. This is the beginning of a vicious cycle.

The body must find other ways to hide the uric acids from the bloodstream. The synovial fluid in the joints is one of its favorite ‘disposal locations’. Crystallization occurs when the concentration of the harmful acids reaches saturation point and forms tiny, needle-like urate crystals within the joints.

Immune System

Your body’s immune system recognizes urate crystal as foreign substance and triggers a series immune reactions that cause the gouty inflammation and pains you are currently experiencing. The worst part is that the painkillers you have taken over the years to relieve your terrible gout pain only make it worse and add to the burden on the kidneys.

Studies have shown that urine with a higher pH (towards acidic) can increase the solubility for uric acids up to 100 times. This will prevent the formation of urate stones in the urine passages. In some cases, it can even dissolve existing kidney stones. Although it may not immediately solve your hyperuricemia-related kidney problems, increasing the body’s alkalinity can be a long-term solution that can eliminate your gout problem.


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