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What to know about Swollen Glands in Bulimia?

The most distressing sight for bulimia sufferers is often the swelling of their faces. When bulimia recovery is based on a determination to stop vomiting, the most distressing sight to see is the swelling of the neck glands. This high motivation to beat Bulimia is often sabotaged when the swollen glands keep growing, making it very difficult to recover. If this is a vicious circle you can relate to, there are ways you can regain your health, well-being, and your normal face shape and form. Normal gland swelling in an average person is a normal response to injury, infection, or abnormal growth. Contrary to an infection of the glands, where a course antibiotics would clear out any bacterial invasion, facial swelling due to bulimia cannot be treated with conventional medicines.


Bulimia is a condition where a person continues to urinate. This means that there will always be signs of swelling around the face. The constant attack of stomach acids from vomiting damages gland tissue. To heal any irritation caused from vomiting, swelling is a normal reaction. The majority of swelling is caused by water retention in your glands and the glands themselves compensating for the loss of fluid elsewhere. You are essentially removing water from your glands, such as the Salivary and Parotid glands. Although this may give the appearance of less swelling, it is temporary as your body immediately repairs the damaged glands and begins to retain water again. This creates a vicious circle.

This is why it is important to stop vomiting, but slowly. Bulimia sufferers will find it easier to stop the binging than the auto-reflex of vomiting. Binging and purging are an automatic learned response. You can choose to learn it again in no time. After a few months, your face should return to normal. Be patient. It may take some time for your normal facial size to return depending on how your body heals and other damages (eg. stomach lining, ulceration, load on your heart/liver/kidney function, abnormalities in electrolytes, teeth, gum damage, knuckles, etc.).

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can help you heal your face faster by giving your body the best possible conditions to heal. Gargling with warm water and rock-salt water every day can clear minor infections. The Iodine in rock salt will speed up the recovery process. The active release of prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance, can reduce inflammation. Berries are a good source vitamin C, which can help with any thyroid gland problems due to its immune boosting capabilities. Sea vegetables like seaweed and salmon are rich sources of iodine. Brazil nuts are rich in Selenium which helps maintain your endocrine system, including the Parotid glands.

Carrots can soothe irritation and inflammation by reducing mucous membranes throughout the digestive tract. It is also a great way to remove toxins from your liver. Onion, on the other hand, counteracts fluid retention and helps with Gout (swelling in the neck region). Saffron can be used to flavor food. It has anti-inflammatory properties and adds a wonderful aroma and color. Avoid drinking coffee, cola, sugary food, cabbage, and salt. They slow down healing of damaged tissue and hinder recovery. Your patience and dedication are required to find natural remedies for your swollen glands from purging. You shouldn’t expect miracles overnight to stop bulimia symptoms from getting worse. Instead, accept that you have to take responsibility for your own purging. You will notice a significant difference in your face’s size and shape if you take better care.

Food with Superpower

Green tea is the preferred choice for health-conscious consumers when it comes to tea time. Black tea, including brands like Lipton and Tapal, can be just as healthy as green tea. It comes from the same antioxidant-rich plant as the green variety. People with heart disease who consumed black tea daily for a month experienced a 50% improvement in their blood vessel function. They look like rubber and grow in strange places, but they have some redeeming characteristics. They are low in calories, and they are a great source of B complex vitamins. This helps keep your skin healthy and your eyesight sharp. Although all mushrooms have their benefits, the Portobello is the best. Two types of fiber that lower cholesterol are found in mushrooms: beta-glucan (chitin) and chitin (chitin).

Onions are good for your heart because they have a blood-thinning property similar as that of aspirin. Onions contain 70 % more quercetin than apples, another food rich in the nutrient. They can also protect your stomach from bacteria that can cause stomach cancer. Raw onions are the best, as cooking can destroy blood-thinning compounds. Instead, use slices of raw onions in salads. Marinate the onions in vinegar with some water, sugar, and fresh herbs if you are unable to take the strong taste. Sunflower seeds have 25 % more vitamin A than almonds and can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by only 2 ounces (4 tbsp.). Dried seeds contain 12 mgs of vitamin E, which is 80 percent of your daily requirements. They are also rich in fiber, healthy fats and iron.


You can use shelled seeds in salads, breads, muffins, spice cakes, meat loaf, and other recipes that call for nuts. They have more antioxidants than any other food, according to research. Both sweet and tart cherries are rich in anthocyanins, micronutrients which can jumpstart the immune system and fight off disease-causing free radicals. This could give cherries the potential for helping to prevent cancer. Research suggests that they may also help reduce inflammation related to arthritis and gout. From May through August, fresh cherries are in season. For a cool bite, freeze the fresh cherries. You can also add tart dried cherries in salads or top pancakes using the canned variety. You can also use them in Ramadan fruit chat recipes.


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